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Daddys Home 2



Daddy's Home 2: A Festive Family Comedy for the Holidays


Daddy's Home 2, also known as Daddy's Home Two, is a 2017 American Christmas buddy comedy film directed by Sean Anders and written by Anders and John Morris. The film stars Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson, and John Lithgow.


The film follows Brad Whitaker (Ferrell) and Dusty Mayron (Wahlberg), two fathers who are trying to blend their families during the Christmas season. Brad is a mild-mannered stay-at-home dad, while Dusty is a tough-talking, successful businessman. Their different approaches to parenting clash constantly, but they are both determined to make this Christmas a memorable one for their children.

However, their plans are thrown into chaos when Brad's father, Don (Gibson), and Dusty's father, Kurt (Lithgow), arrive for the holidays. Don is a grumpy old man who doesn't approve of Brad's parenting style, while Kurt is a lovable goofball who just wants to have a good time.

As the two fathers compete for their sons' love, Brad and Dusty's relationship is put to the test. But in the end, they both learn to appreciate each other's strengths and weaknesses, and they realize that family is the most important thing.

Critical Reception

Daddy's Home 2 received mixed reviews from critics. Some praised the film's humor and chemistry between the cast, while others found it to be too predictable and formulaic. The film was a commercial success, grossing over $180 million worldwide.
